Website Header
From apertus wiki
1 About
The Apertus Website Header is a toolbar on top of all Apertus websites to make navigating between different systems/CMSs easier.
It comes in bright or dark design and always uses the inverted design of the current website.
2 Notes
The header is an iframe with 42 pixels height that has to be added to the theme of each respective website/cms.
2.1 Mediawiki
File: /skins/Vector.php line 124 after $this->html( 'headelement' ); ?> <!--apertus header start--> <iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" height="42" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> <div style="position:relative;"> <!--apertus header end--> line 247 after <?php $this->printTrail(); ?> <!--apertus header start--> </div> <!--apertus header end-->
2.2 Drupal6
File: /sites/all/themes/zen/zen/page.tpl.php line 103 after <body class="<?php print $body_classes; ?>"> <!--apertus header start--> <iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" height="42" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> <!--apertus header end-->
2.3 Drupal7
Copy File: /sites/all/themes/zen/zen/html.tpl.php to own theme
edit line 101 after <body class="<?php print $classes; ?>" <?php print $attributes;?>> <!--apertus header start--> <iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" height="42" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> <!--apertus header end-->
2.4 Wordpress
File: /wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/header.php line 70 after </head> <!--apertus header start--> <iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" height="42" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> <!--apertus header end--> also needed to change themes CSS to body { padding:0; }
2.5 phpbb
File: /styles/apertus/template/overall_header.html line 43 after piwik block <!--apertus header start--> <iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" height="42" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe> <!--apertus header end-->
2.6 phabricator
Paste piwiki tracking code in file src/view/page/PhabricatorStandardPageView.php protected function getHead() {:
after :
return hsprintf( '%s<style type="text/css">'. '.PhabricatorMonospaced, '. '.phabricator-remarkup .remarkup-code-block '. '.remarkup-code { font: %s; } '. '.platform-windows .PhabricatorMonospaced, '. '.platform-windows .phabricator-remarkup '. '.remarkup-code-block .remarkup-code { font: %s; }'. '</style>%s'.
'<!-- Piwik -->'. '<script type="text/javascript">'. 'var _paq = _paq || [];'. '_paq.push([\'trackPageView\']);'. '_paq.push([\'enableLinkTracking\']);'. '(function() {'. 'var u="//piwik-URL/";'. '_paq.push([\'setTrackerUrl\', u+\'piwik.php\']);'. '_paq.push([\'setSiteId\', YOURID]);'. 'var d=document, g=d.createElement(\'script\'), s=d.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0];'. 'g.type=\'text/javascript\'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+\'piwik.js\'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);'. '})();'. '</script>'. '<noscript><p><img src="//piwik-URL" style="border:0;" alt="" /></p></noscript>'. '<!-- End Piwik Code -->',
return hsprintf( '%s<style type="text/css">'. '.PhabricatorMonospaced, '. '.phabricator-remarkup .remarkup-code-block '. '.remarkup-code { font: %s; } '. '.platform-windows .PhabricatorMonospaced, '. '.platform-windows .phabricator-remarkup '. '.remarkup-code-block .remarkup-code { font: %s; }'. '</style>%s'. '<!-- Piwik -->'. '<script type="text/javascript">'. 'var _paq = _paq || [];'. '_paq.push([\'trackPageView\']);'. '_paq.push([\'enableLinkTracking\']);'. '(function() {'. 'var u="//";'. '_paq.push([\'setTrackerUrl\', u+\'piwik.php\']);'. '_paq.push([\'setSiteId\', \'3\']);'. 'var d=document, g=d.createElement(\'script\'), s=d.getElementsByTagName(\'script\')[0];'. 'g.type=\'text/javascript\'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+\'piwik.js\'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);'. '})();'. '</script>'. '<noscript><p><img src="//" style="border:0;" alt="" /></p></noscript>'. '<!-- End Piwik Code -->', parent::getHead(), phutil_safe_html($monospaced), phutil_safe_html($monospaced_win), $response->renderSingleResource('javelin-magical-init', 'phabricator')); }