Installing a webserver on AXIOM Beta
From apertus wiki
1 Installing required packages
Make sure the AXIOM Beta is connected to the internet and then on the commandline run:
Update mirrors database:
pacman -Syy
Install webserver:
pacman -S lighttpd php php-cgi
start the webservice:
systemctl start lighttpd
write any pending changes to the file system:
2 Configure Webserver
This is following the guide from the lighttpd archlinux wiki page:
mkdir /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/ nano /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/cgi.conf
and place the following content in the file:
server.modules += ( "mod_cgi" )
cgi.assign = ( ".pl" => "/usr/bin/perl", ".cgi" => "/usr/bin/perl", ".rb" => "/usr/bin/ruby", ".erb" => "/usr/bin/eruby", ".py" => "/usr/bin/python", ".php" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi" )
index-file.names += ( "", "", "index.rb", "default.rb", "index.erb", "default.erb", "", "", "index.php", "default.php" )
For PHP scripts you will need to make sure the following is set in /etc/php/php.ini
cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1
In your Lighttpd configuration file, /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf add:
include "conf.d/cgi.conf"