AXIOM Alpha Software

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1 Reading and Writing Sensor Register

This example script:

cmv_reg() {
   addr=$(( 0x60000000 + ($1 * 4) ))
   [ $# -gt 1 ] && devmem $addr 32 $2
   devmem $addr 32
#change the registers 69/98/102/107/108/112 and 124                 
cmv_reg  69      2
cmv_reg  98  39705
cmv_reg 102   8312
cmv_reg 107   9814
cmv_reg 108  12381
cmv_reg 112      5
cmv_reg 124     15
#read the register 127
cmv_reg 127

basically the registers get mapped to 32bit spaces starting at a specific memory address (0x60000000 in this case), reading from that memory will show the register, writing to that memory will change it

so register '0' is at 0x60000000, register '1' at 0x60000004 ...

This example script reads the current bitdepth the sensor is running with:

get_bitdepth () {
	depth=$(( `cmv_reg 118` + 0 ))
	[ $depth -eq 0 ] && echo "12 bit mode"
	[ $depth -eq 1 ] && echo "10 bit mode"
	[ $depth -eq 2 ] && echo "8 bit mode"

1.1 statically linked busybox

builtin fake devmem

all you need to get it to work is the following:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/mem bs=1k seek=4M count=1

this will create a sparse 4GB file /tmp/mem, which will be used by the fake devmem values written can be read back, non existing values return 0

/bin/sh and /sbin/devmem both link to busybox on the axiom alpha filesystem so both can be tested with this executeable

2 Setting & Reading Sensor Registers

Set Register:

. ./cmv.func
cmv_reg  82   3122

Read Register:

 cmv_reg  82

will output:


3 Capturing an Image


ssh root@*alpha-IP* "./cmv_train2

Capture the image:

ssh root@*alpha-IP* "./cmv_snap2 -e 10ms" | tee snap.raw16 | display -size 4096x3072 -depth 16 gray:-

So we dont need to type the password every time we snap an image:


sudo apt-get install sshpass


sshpass -p '1234' ssh root@*alpha-IP* "./cmv_snap2 -e 10ms" | tee snap.raw16 | display -size 4096x3072 -depth 16 gray:-

4 cmv_snap2

./cmv_snap2 -h
This is ./cmv_snap2 V1.5
options are:
-h        print this help message
-8        output 8 bit per pixel
-b        enable black columns
-r        dump sensor registers
-t        enable cmv test pattern
-e <exp>  exposure time
-m <val>  capture mask and value
-n <num>  number of frames
-s <num>  shift values by <num>
-B <val>  register mapping base
-S <val>  register mapping size
-M <val>  buffer memory base
-Z <val>  buffer memory size
-R <fil>  load sensor registers
-P <pat>  idle pattern

"./cmv_snap2 -r" without an -e parameter outputs only registers

5 cmv_hist2

Outputs a RAW histogram of the last snapped image. 4 columns (flip on: GRBG, flip off:RGGB) with 4096 values (when operating in 12 bit mode) each.


This is ./cmv_hist2 V1.0
options are:
-h        print this help message
-s        acquire snapshot
-B <val>  register mapping base
-S <val>  register mapping size
-M <val>  buffer memory base
-Z <val>  buffer memory size

5.1 Examples

./cmv_hist2 -s

Acquire new snapshot and output histogram


Acquire histogram from last captured snapshot in memory

6 cmv_train2

./cmv_train2 -h
This is ./cmv_train2 V1.0
options are:
-h        print this help message
-a        test all bit pattern
-B <val>  memory mapping base
-S <val>  memory mapping size
-A <val>  memory mapping address
-P <val>  training pattern

7 Post Processing images

7.1 Create RGGB separated color images from raw file:

convert -size 4096x3072 -depth 16 -crop +0+0 -sample 2048x1536 gray:colors_500ms.raw16 gray:colors_500ms_ch0.raw
convert -size 4096x3072 -depth 16 -crop -1+0 -sample 2048x1536 gray:colors_500ms.raw16 gray:colors_500ms_ch1.raw
convert -size 4096x3072 -depth 16 -crop +0-1 -sample 2048x1536 gray:colors_500ms.raw16 gray:colors_500ms_ch2.raw
convert -size 4096x3072 -depth 16 -crop -1-1 -sample 2048x1536 gray:colors_500ms.raw16 gray:colors_500ms_ch3.raw

7.2 Simple debayer with ImageMagick:

For flipped images:

convert \( -size 4096x3072 -depth 16 gray:colors_500ms.raw16 \) \
\( -clone 0 -crop -1-1 \) \( -clone 0 -crop -1+0 \) \( -clone 0 -crop +0-1 \) \
-sample 2048x1536 \( -clone 2,3 -average \) -delete 2,3 -swap 0,1 +swap -combine colors_500ms.png

For unflipped images:

convert \( -size 4096x3072 -depth 16 gray:IT8_incand.raw16 \) \
\( -clone 0 -crop -1-1 \) \( -clone 0 -crop -1+0 \) \( -clone 0 -crop +0-1 \) \
-sample 2048x1536 \( -clone 0,1 -average \) -delete 0,1 +swap -combine IT8_incand.png

7.3 Plot Histogram of Raw Image

Create histogram values file with imagemagick:

convert -size 4096x3072 -depth 16 gray:image.raw16 -format "%c" histogram:info: > histogram.hist

Reformat the file:

gawk -F, '(NF>3) { printf "%d\t%d\n", $2/16, $1 }' 

Or all in one command:

convert -size 4096x3072 -depth 16 gray:image.raw16 -format %c histogram:info:- | gawk -F, '(NF>3) { printf "%d\t%d\n", $2/16, $1 }' >

Then draw it with this gnuplot script:

set notitle
set term svg size 1024, 512
set xlabel "Values"
set ylabel "Number of Pixels"
set multiplot
set obj 1 rectangle behind from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1
set obj 1 fillstyle solid 1.0 fillcolor rgbcolor "white"
set xrange[0:4096]
set yrange[0:8000]
plot 	'' using 1:2	with lines lc rgb "#FF0000"	title "name your curve", \
       '' using 1:2	with lines lc rgb "#FF0000"	title "name your curve"
unset multiplot

execute the script with:

gnuplot thescript > output.svg