SHOODAK is a debayering algorithm developed by Stephan Schuh (
1 Scope
The goal of the SHOODAK debayering method is to avoid the typical "digital sharpness" that we know too well from digital cameras nowadays. SHOODAK is meant to create a more natural looking image that is perceived closer to 35mm film negative as there are no sharpening effects that create contrast lines around edges. Also SHOODAK is meant to preserve the original grain/noise pattern from image sensors as much as possible. The SHOODAK process is meant to be very lightweight in terms of required processing resources.
2 Technical Details
Color reconstruction uses bi-linear method plus a weighted random (or pseudo random) influence of neighboring pixels.
For red and blue pixels this creates following 8 random read out patterns (each pattern contains 1x red, 1x blue, 1x green pixel):