PCB Component Footprint Validation Procedure

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1 Preparations

  1. Install Eagle Freeware edition 7.0.0 (dont use the latest version): http://www.cadsoftusa.com/download-eagle/ and choose "Freeware license" when running it for the first time.
  2. Download *.brd,*.sch and library archive of a project PCB
  3. Open the *.brd or *.sch file in Eagle and go to File -> Export -> Partlist
  4. Save the partlist as text file

2 Verification

2.1 Footprint validation

  1. Google for the datasheet of the component with entire partnumber
  2. Most of the time either the manufacturers website or the distributors (farnell, RS, digikey, mouser) will offer them for download.
  3. In Eagle go to File -> Export -> Libraries and choose "Export original libraries"

  • for parts that have no value defined check the recommendations and research matching parts
  • search for best price offer for this or alternative equivalent parts